Transforming the way children play
Each perfectly engineered playground directly empowering your children
How does it work
Playgrounds at Everything Outside began when we were contacted by the Department of Education, private schools and day-care centres, who wanted to upgrade their existing playgrounds to ensure they were safe and that they met the Australian Standards. We carried out many audits and discovered that a lot of playgrounds did not meet the criteria.
Also, the more we investigated playgrounds, the more we noticed that they were very outdated and mostly the same. There were no playgrounds that seemed to inspire creative and imaginative play. It seemed as if playground innovation was left behind in the 1980’s.
We wanted to think of ways to make playgrounds more exciting! We started talking to children and asking them what they wanted from a playground. Then we realised we needed to make these things from scratch. Building unique playgrounds based on nature play and/or imaginative play proved to be instant magnets for children. The playgrounds look amazing, felt amazing and inspired amazing thoughts. The children are attracted to the colourful appearance as much as they were attracted to the stories they could create whilst they played on it.
From this, our passion was realised. It ticked so many boxes, and we were able to ditch the idea of having to buy prefabricated, expensive, plastic, play equipment from overseas, and start creating wonderlands of our own. We now work with our clients and their children to build an interactive, social and fun playing environment where children can use their imaginations to play for longer.
With imagination play being the starting point of our playground projects, we work on creating role playing environments. By building things like stages, speed boats, fire engines and school busses, dry river beds and nature play, we encourage children to immerse themselves in a story.
Playing is how children imagine an extraordinary life for themselves. They are off in their own little world imagining big things. They get to role play themselves in different adventures in preparation for a strong adult life. We need to encourage them to do that as much as they can, for as long as they can. They only have a small amount of time to be a child before they get older and life gets more complicated.
Our business allows us to build exciting and unique outdoor areas for children where they can play AND learn. We are not just a landscaping company. Our hearts and minds are invested in creating better and more imaginative child fun zones.
- We have a design team with big imaginations
- A highly skilled team of craftsmen
- A strict quality control process
- And we have our own team of in house level 3 playground auditors to ensure the workmanship & play areas meet all Australian standards
- If we can dream it, we can build it, you just can’t buy this fun stuff off the shelf !
The business was created in March 2015 by
Andrew Brenchley
Andrew has attended the Australian TAFE accredited playground safety Level 3 auditors course in Adelaide SA to standards; AS4685.1-6AND 11:2014, AS/NZS4486.1:1997 and AS/NZ4422:1996.
Andrew has been working within the industry for over 28 years and has achieved Australia’s highest level of qualification in playground auditing.
- Trade Certificate 3 in Landscape Construction
- Certificate 4 in Building & Construction
- Trade Certificate 3 in Parks & Gardens
- Trade Certificate in Green Keeping
- Certificate in Playground Design
- Level 3 Playground Auditor & Advisor
- QBCC Builders License Number 15089335
(Open Builders License)